Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Mission of the Church - Some Key Tactics

In several previous posts, I mentioned that Village Seven's mission is:

To make, equip and deploy disciples who live out and proclaim the gospel through word and deed in Colorado Springs, the West and the World.

In these posts, I talked about our strategy for accomplishing this mission. Beyond this strategy, the elders believe that there are other key tactics which we must do if we are to be faithful to God's call. Below is outline of these tactics.

1)  Make prayer a mission priority – Unite God’s people in prayer so that they are empowered for God’s mission.

2)  Train leaders to be equippers and shepherds.

3)  Neighborhood Impact- minister in the immediate area surrounding the church in word and deed to meet needs and make disciples.

4)  Assess children and youth ministries to see if we are properly preparing our children to live as disciples in a post-Christian culture.

5)  Continue to address reaching 20’s and 30’s.

6)  Seek to Strengthen Marriages and Families. 

1)  Cultivate, recruit, and train ministry leaders.

2)  Improve and clarify officer apprenticeship program.

3)  Continue/improve monthly elder and deacon development.

4)  Work with staff on improvement plans.

5)  Train staff in leadership.

6)  Develop alternative method for training pastors.

7)  Develop a church planting apprentice program.

8)  Develop a Fellows Program.

9)  Develop Long Term Financial Plan.

10)      Ongoing Stewardship Development that includes any capital campaigns.

11)      Determine personnel needs.

12)      Improve Communications.

13)      Assess what needs to be done to our facility to make it effective for the long haul.

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